
Worship with us Sundays at 10:30 am
in our Sanctuary or Livestream

Our weekly worship focuses on God’s work in our lives. Through scripture, music, and prayer, we worship God and take home a better understanding of how the love and care of Jesus Christ is part of our everyday.

We Are...

Welcoming, Loving, Serving in the name of Christ.

"Whenever you did one of these things to someone overlooked or ignored, that was me—you did it to me." Matthew 25:40

Jesus teaches us to welcome the stranger and share God’s love with all. The people of Horseshoe Drive United Methodist Church welcome the stranger and serve our community to do as Jesus asks us, to love our neighbor as ourselves.  

We Are...

United Methodist.

Our mission is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. We do this by loving God and loving our neighbor as ourselves. When we worship, we believe that God fills us with love and grace that we are meant to share. As United Methodists, we practice two sacraments in which God also offers us immeasurable grace. These sacraments are…

  • Holy Communion:  During this time of prayer, we ask the Holy Spirit to make bread and juice become the body and blood of Christ. We believe that Jesus’ real presence is with is us as we consume them. Our table is open, and all people are invited and welcome to receive Holy Communion with us. You need only a desire to know Jesus Christ.
  • Holy Baptism:  Our pastor performs baptism during worship, since the sacrament is meant to be shared with the church. We baptize only new Christians making their vows to follow Jesus Christ for the first time. We believe that baptism is God’s action that cannot be undone. We baptize infants and children with their parents taking vows, or youth and adults who choose to take their own vows. Baptism always includes water which is typically sprinkled or poured on the head. Please speak with our pastor about this sacrament before deciding if it is what you want for yourself or for your child. 

For more information on United Methodist beliefs click here

Frequently Asked Questions

What Can I Expect?
Are My Children Welcome?
Do You Follow Specific Rituals?

Prayer Requests?
Want to know more about our church?

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